+91 9225023456
1.1.1 Curriculumn Design and Development
1.1.2 MoM of relevant AC & BOM_2022-23
1.1.3 2022-23 Courses on Emp, skill & New Courses Academic Council MoM
1.2.1 New Courses introduced Syllabus BoS MoM
1.2.2 CBCS-Elective Courses SoE
1.3.1 Courses on Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment
1.3.2 Value Added Courses_2022-23
1.3.3 VAC Attendance _2022-23
1.3.4 Student Projects _ Internship_22-23
1.4.1_Structure feedback for design review _2021-22
1.4.2_Stake holder feedback system and ATR_2022-23
2.1.1 Intake AICTE EoA 2022_23
2.1.2 Reservation of Admission Seats and Seat Distribution for Admission 2022-23
2.2.1 _advance & slow learner_2022-23
2.2.2-Student full time teacher ratio
2.3.1_Student_centric methods_2022-23
2.3.3_Mentor Mentee (Faculty Advisor) interaction details 2022-23
2.3.4_Acad Calendar & Teaching Plan_2022-23
2.5.1 Number of days from the date of the last semester-end
2.5.2-List of Students having Grievance on Evaluation 2022-23
2.5.3-IT integration In Examination
2.6.1Course Outcome statements for all courses Reduced
2.6.2-Focus on outcome based education
2.6.3-Avrage pass percentage of student during last year
2.7.1-Students Satisfactory Survey_2022-23
3.1.1 the Minutes of the BoM & AC
3.1.2 The institute provide seed money to its teachers fot reserch
3.1.3_IPR YCCE data
3.2.1-Revised Sanction letter
3.2.2-Percentage of teachers having reaserch project
3.2.4 Percentage of department having reaserch project
3.3.1-Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations and creation
3.3.2 Report of Workshops-Seminars conducted on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Research Methodology, Entrepreneurship and Skill Development
3.4.1 Code of Ethics for Research, Research Advisory Committee and Ethics Committee constitution
3.4.3-Number of pepers published per teacher in the journals
3.4.4-Number of book and chapter in edited volumes books published
3.5.1-Consultancy Training suporting documents
3.5.2 total amount spent on developing faclities
3.6.1 Extension activities are carried out in the community
3.6.2 number of award and recognitions riceived for extension activities
3.6.3-Number of ectension and outreach programs
3.6.4-Average percentage of student participating in extension activities
3.7.1 Collaborative activities Projects & Research
3.7.2-Number of functional mous woth institutionsof national
4.1.1-The institution has adequate infrastuchure physical facility
4.1.3Percentage of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT
4.2.1 Softlib Software and Softlib Screen Shots (Library Automation )10
4.2.2-E-Journals & Access
4.2.4-Library usage by Teachers and Students Reports
4.3.1-Institution has an IT policy
4.3.2-Student computer ratio
4.3.3-Bandwidth of internate connection
4.3.4-E-content devlopment
4.4.1 Aaverage percentage maintance of infrastruchure physu
4.4.2-There are established system and procedures
5.1.1-Average percentage of student benefited by scholarship freeshipprovided by the government
5.1.2-Average percentage of student benefitted by scholarship freeship etc provide by the institution
5.1.3-Capacity Development and Skill Enhancement activities
5.1.4 Number of students benefitted from guidance-coaching for competitive examinations
5.1.5-The institution has a tranparant machanism
5.2.1 Number of outgoing students who got placement during the year
5.2.2-Average percentage of student progressing to gigher education
5.2.3-Percentage of student qualifying state govt exam
5.3.1 Number of award medals for outstanig perfmance
5.3.3-Average number of sports and cultural event
5.4.1 Alumni Association
5.4.2 Alumni
6.2.2 The functioning of the institutional bodies setup
6.2.3 Implementation of e governance in areas of opration
6.3.1 Effective welfare measures for teaching and non teaching staff
6.3.2 Average percentage of techers provided with financial support
6.3.3 Professional Devp Prog_2022-23
6.3.4-Teachers Face to Face FDP-2022-23
6.4.2 Fund grants recevied from non government bodies
7.1.2 Institution facilitiies
7.1.3 Describe the facilities in the institution for the management
7.1.5 Green campus initiatives include
7.1.6 Report -Environmental Audit -YCCE – 2022-23
7.1.8 institustional efforts initiatives providing an exclusive environment
7.1.9-Sensitization of student and employees of institution to the constitutional citizens
7.1.10 The institution has a prescribed code
7.1.11 Institution celebrates event and festivals