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Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering Faculty Achievements

Achievements 2021-22
  • Government Of Australia , The Patent office has granted patent on 12th January 2022 to Dr.S.P.Gawande for an invention entitled “ A SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR CONSTANT SWITCHING FREQUENCY CONTROL FOR CONVERTER”.The patent no. is 2021105482.
  • Dr.Maneesh Kumar, Electrical Engineering Department became the review editor for SCI(E), SCOPUS indexed Q2 journal Frontier in Energy Research, Switzerland.
  • Government Of Australia , The Patent office has granted patent on 10th November 2021 to Dr.S.G.Kadwane for an invention entitled “ A SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DESIGNING A SOLAR POWERED AUTOMATIC MULTIPURPOSE AGRICULTURE MACHINE”.The patent no. is 2021106226.
  • Government Of Australia , The Patent office has granted patent on 13th October 2021 to P.S.Shete for an invention entitled “ A SYSTEM FOR ENERGY MONITORING”.The patent no. is 2021105395.
  • Government Of India , The Patent office has granted patent on 06th July 2021 to Dr.S.P.Gawande for an invention entitled “ A VARIABLE SPEED WIND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEM WITH COMMON SYNCHRONIZATION UNIT ”.The patent no. is 371198.
Achievements 2020-21
  • Government Of India , The Patent office has granted patent on 07th June 2021 to Prof. P.S.Shete for an invention entitled “ APPARATUS FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATION BETWEEN TWO OR MORE COMPUTING DEVICES”.The patent no. is 36866.
  • Prof. P.S.Shete has published his work under Intellectual Property India with patent title “ ENERGY MONITORING SYSTEM”, on 01st January 2021. Application 202021047869.
  • Dr.S.P.Gawande has published his work under Intellectual Property India with patent title “A CONSTANT SWITCHING FREQUENCY CONTROLLED DEVICE IN SMART GRID”, on 01st January 2021.
Achievements 2019-20
  • Venus International Foundation award to Dr. S. P. Gawande as “outstanding Faculty in Engineering (Major area of study-Electrical Engineering) on 6th July 2019 at Radha Regent Chennai city , India.
  • Best paper award to Dr. S. P. Gawande for his paper titled “Performance of grid connected variable speed WECS using PMSG under MTPA control with common synchronizing circuit” at PEDEPS 2019 organized by Department of Electrical Engineering of Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur (M.S), India on 23-24 December, 2019.