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+91 9225023456

Computer Science & Engineering

Computer Science & Engineering VALUE ADDED PROGRAMS

Session Value added courses
2022-23 1
2021-22 2

Session 2022-2023

Sr. No Activity Duration Resource Person No. of Participants
1 Salesforce Administration 1-10-2022 to 12-11-2022 Mr. Jiwan Dehankar, YCCE, Nagpur. 63

Session 2021-2022

Sr. No Activity Duration Resource Person No. of Participants
1 Python programming for Data Science & ML 04-12-2021 to 19-12-2021 Mr. Rohit Joshi, Tech Consultant, Nagpur 275
2 Data Analytics using Excel 16-04-2022 to 01-05-22 Mr. Sathyanarayan, Quality Theorem, Bangalore 72