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Computer Science & Engineering

Computer Science & Engineering EVENTS

Session 2022-23

Sr.No. Activity NameDateBeneficiariesDescription
1.Workshop on Web Development for Mahatma Gandhi Junior College(Social Activity)12/11/202232Prof. Pratibha P. Waghale, Prof. Nikita P. Giradkar COSMOS Members
2.Shadow Teaching9/11/2022 to 11/11/2022  70Prof. Pratibha P. Waghale, COSMOS Members
3.Guest lecture on DBMS subject07/11/2022110By Jitendra Temburne IIIT,Nagpur
4.Indusrty interaction05/11/202214Training Placement office Dean,YCCE, HOD’s (CT &CSE)
5.Guest Lecture on “Cyber Security”02/11/202245By Shrikant Ardhapurkar
6.Intel Unnatihandson webinar on AIML31/10/202249By Intel Chairperson
7.Second year Orientation Program19/10/2022160Prof. Pratibha P. Waghale, Prof. Nikita P. Giradkar, COSMOS Members
8.ACM Know -It-All session19/10/2022140Introductory Seminar by Mr. Sudhanshu Nerkar, Mr. Jay Shende, Mr. Adwait Tikekar
9.Workshop on web3 METAVERSE17/10/202295Workshop on “Into the Metaverse” in collaboration with LUMOS LABs by Mr. Apurv Humne & Mr.Tanmay Tarte
10.GDSC Installation Ceremony17/10/202290Prof. Nikita P. Giradkar, GDSC Members
11.Awareness seminar on Online Training and Internship program13/10/202295By Mr. PratapShukla
12.GDSC Compose Camp06/10/2022 to 07/10/2022130Android app development using Jetpack Compose BY Abhishek Rathod.
13.National Level Innovation and startup Exhibition during program at MGIRI,Wardha02/10/202210Dr. Lalit Damahe, COSMOS Members
14.GDSC Introductory Session1/10/202274Info Session introducing the “Core Team” of GDSC YCCE for the session 2022-23 by Rohit Daftari.
15.Github Seminar3/09/2022160Github Technical Seminar by Mr. Sankalp Kotewar
16.Troop & Treasure3/09/202288Non-Technical Event
17.Magical Pen2/09/202241Article Writing Competition
18.Omnific –Designing Workshop1/09/202254UI/UX DESIGJN by Mr.Bhojraj Padole
19.SMACKATHON ONLINE Event1/09/2022 to 2/09/202248Prof. Pratibha P. Waghale, COSMOS Members
20.FORUM INSTALLATION22/08/2022120Prof. Pratibha P. Waghale, COSMOS Members
Session 2021-22
Sr.No. Activity Name Date Beneficiaries Description
1. Innovation and Startup 25/4/2022 121 Prof. Fazil Sheikh, COSMOS Members
2. Tree plantation 22/4/2022 25 Prof.K.Karule, COSMOS Members
3. Poster and Article writing Competition 22/4/2022 78 Kush Thakare, VaishnavDekate, NidhiRathod, RutujaPethe,COSMOS
4. Orientation Program on GDSC Lead 5/4/2022 122 Mr. AnmoldeepArora,Co-Organizer,GDG,Nagpur.
5. Student development Program on Android 26/02/2022 104 Mr. ChaitanyaDeshpande, SE – iOS @ Tata AIG Innovation Lab|Moderator OWASP Nagpur
6. Guidance on Higher Studies 15/2/2022 138 Dr.LalitGunani,Corporate Relations Manager at HR Mentor and Overseas Mentors.
7. Online workshop on IPR under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission 2/2/2022 74 IPR Cell, Inst. Innovation Council and the Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, YCCE, Nagpur in collaboration with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Management, Nagpur.
8. Webinar on How to attain Higher Packages in IT Sector 14/1/2022 73 Dr.AnupamKher,VNIT,Nagpur
9. Webinar on How to become GDSC Lead 1/1/2022 22 Mr.AnmoldeepArora, Ms SakshiKedar, Ms.SaniyaImroze
10. X’mas Fiesta 24/12/2021 41 Mr.ShantanuVishwanadha,Covalent HQ Webinar on Web3 App using Covalent APIs
11. Guest Lecture on Applets 24/12/2021 132 Dr.MilindPenurkar,IIIT Nagpur (Under MoU signed with IIIT,Nagpur)
12. X’mas Fiesta 21/12/2021 38 Art Blitz competition
13. X’mas Fiesta 22/12/2021 56 Picturesque (Photography Competition)
14. X’mas Fiesta 20/12/2021 37 Web Designing Competition