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Principal's Desk

Details of Trustees

From 17.12.2021 Onwards
Sr.No. Name of Trustee Designation Address PAN No.
1. Shri. Dattatraya Raghobaji Meghe President 135, Pande Layout, Khamla, Nagpur – 440025 ACPPM6517K
2. Shri. Ravi Dinkarrao Meghe secretary Plot No. 1435, F. No. 102, Meghdoot Appartment, S. A. Road, Shhradhanand Peth, Nagpur – 440010 ABRPM7824L
3. Shri. Sameer Dattatraya Meghe Treasurer 135, Pande Layout, Khamla, Nagpur – 440025 ABYPM6076B
4. Shri. Vitthalrao Raghobaji Meghe Trustee JNMC Medical College, Rajiv Nagar, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha – 442001 AAJPM8374Q
5. Shri Manish Dinkarrao lngle Authorised Representative — Meghe Education Foundation Trustee Bangalow No. 59, Near HB Estate, Meghdoot Villa, Sonegaon, Nagpur — 440025 AANPI9635G
6. Shri Abhyuday Dinkarrao Meghe Authorised Representative — Meghe’s Educational Institutions Trustee Quarter No. A 3, AVBR Hospital Campus, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha — 442001 ABWPM4669G
7. Shri Rajesh Madhukarrao lngle Authorised Representative — Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Foundation Trustee 14, Lahanuji Nagar, Civil Line, Wardha –  442001 ACAPI9513Q

Electronics-Department We believe… Success is a journey… Collectively achieved XXI Century Institutions are expected to impart education in a cross-border, cross-cultural environment. And also XXI Century Graduates are expected to work in a World Characterized by fragmentation of Research, Product Definition, Design, Manufacturing, Distribution and Services. Keeping this in view and also the current Education Scenario Nationally/Globally, the Institutions under the umbrella of Meghe Group of Institutions [MGI] provides excellence in education by adhering to the National/International benchmarks. The Group has well-defined vision and mission with the effective implemented procedures to ensure Uniform Academic Standards and continuous qualitative improvements across all the Institutions. The Group works on basic philosophy which states that “Success is a journey which is collectively achieved”. The testimony of this effect is the progress made, qualitatively & quantitatively, over three decades of its existence in the field of education. The Group has Academic Advisory Board consisting of all the leading academicians of the Country. Thrust is given on quality of education imparted, skill development, entrepreneurship development, Industry-Institute Partnership, Academic Research, and Sponsored Research with the special emphasis on ‘Content beyond the Curriculum’. The Group also has a ‘3-5-7’ years plan in place wherein the Group is expected to have a Global Presence in 7 years time. The Group is also keen to have collaboration with Foreign Universities and Higher Education Institutions for Joint Collaborative programmes, Faculty-Student Exchanges, Research Initiatives, Information Exchange, Knowledge Exchange etc. Accreditation Council (NAAC) It will be our pleasure to share ideas which will help us in our continuous efforts to adhere to Global benchmarks.


Electronics-DepartmentHon’ble Shri Dattaji Meghe is the architect of Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Santha, Nagpur. He has been the guiding star in spreading the light of education. His can-do-more attitude brought about an intellectual revolution that has transformed the social, educational, economic and cultural life of rural Maharashtra.

One lamp that lit strongly and firmly with a great vision of spreading the light of wisdom is our Hon’ble Shri Dattaji Meghe the Chairman of Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha & Founder Chancellor of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University is in active public life for more than 35 years. He represented the people of Maharashtra in Lok Sabha for 3 consecutive terms & was the Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha).

He strongly believed that quality Education & Health can only bring the true transformation of the huge human resources of our nation.

In pursuit of our Chairman’s social commitment, a modest beginning was made by starting a small educational institute 40 years ago, which has grown up into a an educational empire covering almost all faculties of education spread all over Maharashtra state.

This educational society has established 27 institutions right from pre-primary to postgraduate levels covering various faculties like Medical Sciences, Pharmacy, Engineering, Social Science, Commerce, Science, Physical Education and Performing Arts. The Society is like a joint family of about 30000 students and about 1500 highly educated and skilled staff. Our founder Chairman Shri Dattaji Meghe insists on good quality education, discipline and welfare of the students and the staff.

All these institutions are provided with highly qualified and well trained staff, well equipped laboratories, spacious libraries, playgrounds, canteens and buses for transportation of students and staff. The performances of the students in examinations are always excellent. It is profound desire and ardent endeavor of our founder to evolve an educational process involving modern technology and knowledge with preservation of our cultural heritage.

YCCE stands by its motto of becoming a leader in imparting quality education and training in engineering. It also contributes to the ever-expanding knowledge and skills in the professional environment through scientific inquiry, applied research and innovation to play a vital role in socio economic progress. The management and faculty are fully committed to generate excellence in academics and to attain the sacred goal of making the students realize their full potential in all dimensions of their personality.


“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”

William Butler Yeats

Education is not merely the filling of a pail, but the igniting of a fire.” This quote deeply resonates with our visionary and dynamic leaders – Chairman Shri Dattaji Meghe, Treasurer Shri Sameer Meghe, and Secretary Shri Ravi D. Meghe of Nagar Yuvak Shikshan Sanstha. Empowered with knowledge and inspired by a legacy of excellence, their focused expertise, progressive vision, and unwavering commitment to humanity have propelled YCCE to new heights among the premier engineering colleges.

Their leadership has fostered a generation of students, scholars, and technocrats who are making significant contributions to the service of mankind and their profession. For instance, our students have won numerous national and international accolades in various technical competitions, reflecting the quality of education and training they receive at YCCE.

Under their exceptional leadership, YCCE students not only learn to navigate and apply the engineering sciences in the classroom and laboratories, but also to utilize their acquired knowledge and understanding in practical engineering applications in innovative ways. A testament to this is the number of patents filed and startups launched by our students in recent years.

Electronics-DepartmentDear Students and Parents, I welcome one and all to Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering, Nagpur, an autonomous institution affiliated to RTM Nagpur University.YCCE is committed in providing quality/relevant education and to enhance its practices by applying Best National and International practices. The Technological revolution and the forces of globalization are changing the very functioning of the organizations significantly in recent years. We at YCCE are alive to these changes and taking all the steps to mould our products accordingly. We strive for search results continuously to enable our students to move forward and confidently to embrace change rather than follow; to innovate rather than stagnate and to initiate rather merely respond thereby to become efficient technocrats and dynamic entrepreneurs. We are committed to have an environment which provides expanded employment opportunities to our students and enriched knowledge base to our faculty. We are happy to observe that employers’ interest in YCCE is very high as evidenced by the excellent placement opportunities offered to our students in a number of industries & organizations. Our Alumni occupy important positions in prestigious Organizations in India and abroad. Attaining excellence in Quality Technical Education is the goal of YCCE which has tremendous potential of developing into a great academic institution. The Management, the Faculty, the Students and the supporting staff are all working forever towards achieving the goal. I invite you to our YCCE campus and experience the difference with new breed of budding Technocrats of tomorrow.