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Computer Science And Design

About Department

The BTech in Computer Science (CS) and Design aims to develop graduates that are not only well versed with computing approaches, tools, and technologies, but are also experienced with Design approaches and new Media technologies and uses. The program has a small set of core courses in CS and Design, and many electives which can be taken from CS as well as Design and Digital Media. This enables the students to build a program most suitable for them. The program will prepare students to work in the IT industry as well as digital media industry like gaming, animation, virtual/augmented reality, etc. The program will also allow students, who want to pursue higher studies, to take up higher studies in CS/IT or in Design.

Why CSD is important?

The most important aspect of computer science is problem solving, an essential skill for life. Students study the design, development and analysis of software and hardware used to solve problems in a variety of business, scientific and social contexts. Because computers solve problems to serve people, there is a significant human side to computer science as well. Computer science is evaluated and challenged by humans every day. From Engineers to Doctors, Students to Teachers, entrepreneurs to investors, government organization they all use it to perform specific tasks, for entertainment, online earnings, and office work. Computers have made our life easier in these decades.

Where is CSD used?

Computer Science & Design can be used in two electives, computer science elective as well as design and media electives.

Computer Science Electives
  • Computer graphics
  • Data visualization
  • Image processing
  • Spatial computing
  • Mobile computing
  • Information retrieval
  • Computer vision
  • Machine learning
  • GPU leaning
  • Multimedia Technologies
  • Software Engineering
Design & Media Electives
  • Aesthetics and art
  • Usability studies and evaluation
  • Visualization
  • Computer game design and programming
  • Animation Principles and design
  • Special effects
  • Virtual word / Virtual reality
  • Photography
  • Video editing
  • Sound engineering / production
An Example

Filmmakers, artists, animators and photographers use computers to create their art, they use them for much more, and with the advent of computer technology came the ability to preserve artworks in digital format.